Monday, December 10, 2012

Pure and Genuine Religion

For the last couple of weeks, I have been teaching about the Caste System in India to my students.  They are all SO shocked when I explain about the Untouchables and slavery in the country.  I gave out this little worksheet that ends with the question, “What do you think of the Caste System?”  Obviously, every single answer was against it and how unfair it is.
FF a couple of days to Facebook.  I was reading a post by one of my friends and she posted a youtube video which I watched.  It’s about 8 minutes long, but even if you just watch part – it really puts the Caste System in perspective with being a Christian.
So this paragraph won’t make sense unless you watched the video, but think of the movie Taken.  So Liam Neeson is like God and his daughter is like an orphan.  His mission was to save her no matter what he had to do.  He was not responsible for the situation she was in, but he used every resource available to him to get her out of it.
Interesting thought J
As parents, we have not done the best job getting you guys involved in Christian fellowship.  But I assure you we have always tried to be a good example to you. We want to show you what it is like to love God by what we do, not just telling you.  I want to show you that I call my mommy several times a week so when you are older you will do the same thing – and be even better at it – hint, hint.
It says in James 1:27 - Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
Dad and I sincerely try to help Nana in every way we can.  We love her but she is a widow and God commands us to take care of her.  We always try to buy Christmas presents for orphans through World Vision each year.
But what if that isn’t enough?
In Deuteronomy 24:19-20 it says when we harvest to always make sure we leave some for the orphans.  I could go on and on listing scriptures in which God exhorts us to care for the outcastes and orphans.
I don’t necessarily want to adopt and orphan.  BUT I have the opportunity to have one come visit for a few weeks this summer. There are some children coming from the Ukraine who live in an orphanage there. 
I know it’s not always fun changing things around and making room, having a language barrier, etc.  BUT God says taking care of them is like taking care of HIM himself. 
I don’t want to commit to anything that we aren’t all in agreement with – that’s not what family is about. 
Would you please take the time to watch the video.  Read your Bible on the subject, pray about it.  And will you honestly tell me what you think?

Sunday, October 14, 2012


When you’re in the midst of disappointment and heartache – thankfulness will break the yoke.

Psalm 103:2-7
O my soul, bless God, don’t forget a single blessing! 
He forgives your sins – every one.
He heals your diseases – every one.
He redeems you from hell – saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy – a paradise crown.
He wraps you in goodness – beauty eternal.
He renews your youth – you’re always young in his presence.

God makes everything come out right; he puts victims back on their feet.

Deuteronomy 31:6 
Be strong, take courage.  Don’t be intimidated.  Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you.  He’s right there with you.  He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you. 

You can always find something to thank God for.  It will change your perspective and take your thoughts of your troubles!

Monday, October 8, 2012

It is "Pick on Ben Week"

Have you ever noticed how people will write about overcoming frustration and depression AFTER they  have come full circle and know the end of the story? 

How does one share about dealing with frustration in the midst of disappointing circumstances?  Where do you find that inner strength and be able to share about your faith during the hard times of life?
I had some great talks with Aunt Jean this past weekend and I came to realize – she is one smart cookie!

Epiphany 1 – you can’t bargain with God.  We see that sometimes on TV, movies, etc.  People will offer to do something like taking care of the poor in exchange for God answering their prayer.  God wants us to follow him but he really doesn’t need us.  He’s got that covered.

Epiphany 2 – I must not be holy enough or have enough faith for God to care about me.  This is such a LIE and please do not ever fall into that trap.  Throughout history some of the most faithful people in the world get slapped in the face with horrendous circumstances.

So what is that answer?  How do I keep from getting mad at God for not quickly changing the things that are so unfair to me?

I have to say – there is not a one sentence answer here.  I am not smart enough to understand God and I am easily frustrated but God is working on me.

I can quote a few verses:
John 16: 23-24 says, “This is what I want you to do: Ask the father for whatever is in keeping with the things I have revealed to you.  Ask in my name, according to my will, and he’ll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks.”

Easy question – have you done that exactly?  So here is one example for me – and I have these kinds of prayers for each of you, but I’m starting with Ben. It is “pick on Ben week.”
God, I feel like you worked everything out for Ben to go to Randolph.  Everything there seems perfect for him as far as classes and friends.  God, Ben worked so hard all his teenager years to develop the athletic abilities you gave him.  I know it is your will for him to play because you are the one who gave him the talent and the desire.  I am asking God that you give him more playing time. My heart’s desire is for him to get time on the field during a game.  I give my frustration to you and in Jesus name God, I am asking for you to give him his chance to prove himself and not let him sit the bench his entire freshman year. 

I can honestly say I am guilty of not always praying like that.  Rather, I beg then get angry a lot of times and it really is not fruitful at all.  John goes on to say in verse 33, “In this godless world, you will continue to experience difficulties.  But take heart!  I have conquered the world.”

I think this is where we bog down in frustration.  So I truly am expecting God to answer my prayer.  So then what do I do if Ben gets playing time this week but then another frustration comes right behind this one answer to one prayer? 

Unfortunately, my first reaction in the past has been  to say, “Wow, really God?”

Bad reaction.  Really bad.

That demonstrates to God I am only going to serve him and have faith in him when I am happy with what he is doing for me in the world right at this moment.

It sounds so bad to even type it – but in all honesty – that is what happens to us when the only time we totally surrender to God is when we are given something we desperately want.  We are able to start fresh and rededicate ourselves to God because that one answer boosted our mood. 

But until we conquer frustration and train ourselves to keep that faith when the next trial hits – we will never break the cycle.  It will begin a downward spiral into a life of negativity.

In James 1: 2 – 4 it says, “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides.  You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.  So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely.  Let it do its work so you can become mature and well developed, not deficient in any way.”

Your true colors are never exposed better than when a trial in life has to do with the things you love the most.  In my case, it’s you guys.  Don’t mess with my kids.  And sometimes I have the audacity to say, don’t mess with my kids GOD.

It’s not God messing with you, but God sure is testing all of us in those sore spots to see what our true colors are.  And the first thing I try to do is get out of it prematurely.  I want to fix it all on my own. So, so,  so true for me – I want to call Ben’s coach myself.  Better yet, I want to find him a new team and change his whole life so he can have more playing time.  I want to control all the factors and make them work like I think it should.  I want to bypass ANY lesson here and make it right today, now.  I want to be mad and I certainly do not consider any of this a sheer gift.

So I am not at the end of the story.  I am trying to learn about life’s frustrations and teach you about them while I am in a trial.  While Ben is in a trail.

We should, as a family, attack this situation with prayer.  Not a one liner each day, but a lot of prayers that come from the word and don’t just beg God for gratification.  Real prayers that THANK God for loving us enough to teach us and mold us and that truly seek God’s will and victory.

James goes on to say in verse 12, “Anyone who meets a testing challenge head on and manages to stick it out is MIGHTY FORTUNATE.  For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.” And on down in verse 20,”God’s righteousness doesn’t grow from human anger.”

When you meet a challenge head on – take it on.  But not in anger.  Don’t back down either.  Confidence is not anger.  RISE TO THE CHALLENGE.  God can not teach you anything if you just lie back and wait for God to teach the lesson while you whimper and hide under the sheets.  Stand up with your head up, chest out and say “bring it on – I’ve got this!”

Where do we get that kind of God arrogance from? How do we back up that kind of boldness?
Guess what?  You guys are God’s children.  You are not spending eternity in hell but in paradise with God.  You are here and in every circumstance because he is getting you ready for eternity with him.  Whatever happens to you is a test so he can see what in your life he needs to molded some more to make you ready for eternal life. Now if that doesn’t inspire confidence, I don’t know what will!

Ben has a meeting with his coach on Tuesday.  We all need to pray about that.  Pray without ceasing. Ben needs to meet this challenge head on with confidence not anger.  The true colors of his faith need to be shown as righteous as they truly are – not a faith clouded by frustration and anger or a defeatist attitude.  Be confident Ben! You know who you are and don’t be afraid to show it! 
And don’t worry about what to say during that meeting Ben.  Just keep praying for God’s will
 – tell him what you want, the desire of your heart.  Pray that God will give you that desire and pray for God’s will.  
It says in Luke 12: 11-12, “When they drag you into their meeting place and before judges, don’t worry about defending yourselves – what you’ll say or how you’ll say it.  The right words will be there. The Holy Spirit will give you the right words when the time comes.”

You have to believe that Ben – God has your words for the meeting already planned.  You don’t need to plan them ahead yourself. 

If we all pray and believe and refuse to let frustration govern our lives and the words that come out of our mouths – God will give us all the words to say and God will give us all the desires of our hearts and we can tackle the frustrations of life head on with confidence. 

Ben we all love you and KNOW that God is going to bring you through this frustrating time by giving you confidence in both your abilities to play well and your abilities to find the right words in your meeting. 

Does anyone else have anything to add to Ben?  Or to me?

Hmmmm….who should I pick on next J

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sometimes You Just Gotta Say "Oh Well!"

True...we are called to be responsible, to be good stewards, to love one another....things we all know.

Sometimes we get confused that this means we are called to have everything perfect, all the time.  This is not true!

When little things you had hoped for don't go as you had planned, sometimes you just need to say "oh well!"  Then focus on the fact that you have faith in God and ALL things are under his control.  

We tend to let petty cares and frustrations accumulate and they use up all our energies to deal with life.  When serious problems come along - and sometimes in life they just do, all your mental reserves to deal with things will be gone if you've never let go of the frustrations of petty things.  

Focus on what really matters in life - your faith in God.  Walk with lighter steps, be happy for all the things that are right. Focus on the fact that you can cast all your burdens onto Jesus. 

Momentary disappointments and frustrations are just that - momentary.  Most of them really don't mean much in the big scheme of life. Your faith in God is eternal!

Psalm 55:22 Pile your troubles on God's shoulders - he'll carry your load, he'll help you out.  He'll never let good people topple into ruin.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012


One of the hardest things for us is to see things through to the end while walking patiently for God to finish his plan.  

Patience:  the state of enduring under difficult circumstances.

We don't like to wait - actually I HATE to wait.  But patience is actually a gift from God!

We can't have patience if we don't have faith and trust in God.  We have to trust that as we walk with God in our daily lives that we will arrive at His purpose for us - even if we feel like we have absolutely no idea where we are going.  Our faith though, is that God knows and he will walk the entire path with us.  Veering out of God's will is always our choice, not God's doing.  

In Joshua 1 in the message Bible it says:  " I'll be with you.  I won't give up on you; I won't leave you.  Strength!  Courage!.....Give it everything you have, heart and soul.  Make sure you carry out the revelation Moses commanded you, every bit of it.  Don't get off track, either left of right, so as to make sure you get to where you are going.  And don't for a minute let God's word be out of your mind.  Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it.  THEN YOU WILL GET TO WHERE YOU ARE GOING; THEN YOU WILL SUCCEED.   Haven't I commanded you strength?  courage? Don't be timid; don't get discouraged.  God, YOUR God, is with you ever step you take.  

Always remember, it is the weak at heart who give up easily and can't walk through anything difficult.  But if you have strength and you don't let frustration rule your behavior - you will succeed.  It is very clear how to renew this strength too - it is so easy.  JUST READ YOUR BIBLE AND PRAY.  Will one or two verses day be enough to make a difference?  Absolutely!  If you just kept the verses above in your mind and said them to yourself on a daily basis, you will grow stronger and any discouragement will begin to fade.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stress and Worry

I think this past few weeks have been stressful for each of us in different ways.   Dad and I of course are stressed about all the changes in each of your lives and we worry about the choices you will have to make and about dealing with circumstances that you have no control over.
I realize though that parents are not the only ones with stress.  Kids are under more stress today than ever before to succeed.  Partly because of the pressure we as parents put on you.  Please know, our desire for you to succeed is not meant to push you the point of worrying you haven’t accomplished enough to satisfy us.  Our worries over you guys are because we don’t want any of you to ever be disappointed with your life. 
Sometimes this can set up a bad cycle.  Worrying can lead to obsessing in one area of your life – cause you to focus on perfecting one thing in your life.  Our world is so complex and there are so many things we need to give attention to, it is easy to lose our true sense of direction.  In fact, we tend to praise people who worry and obsess of something that they go above and beyond in excelling. 
Is this how God wants us to live?
Well clearly the answer is no.  However, some use Bible verses on the subject as an excuse to never accomplish anything.  That is wrong too. 
I came across some very simple verses this morning that seemed to clear up the question, well exactly what are we supposed to do?
Proverbs 16: 3 – 7    “Put God in charge of your work then what you’ve planned will take place.  God made everything with a place and purpose; even the wicked are included – for judgment.  God can’t stomach arrogance or pretense; believe me, he’ll put those upstarts in their place. Guild is banished through love and truth; Fear-of-God deflects evil.  When God approves your life, even your enemies will end up shaking your hand…We plan the way we want to live, but only God make us able to live it.”
To easily sum up how to live in the state described in those verses – spend time alone with God.  Reading your Bible and praying will restore your sense of direction.  When you look to God for guidance, you will accomplish more in your life by doing less yourself.  God is in control, so quit trying to make things happen on your own, and if you do that you will find that your frustrations will turn into faith.